The Fader Presidential Story, Part 1

The whole thing is Ron’s fault. Ron, if you’re reading this, you know it’s true 😉

Seriously, it is Ron’s fault!

I already had a nice line of faders, and Ron had the chutzpah to contact me and ask for a “super premium” version of the then-flagship, the Fader Pro. The nerve!

After this offense, I got to work designing a no-compromise MIDI fader, using the very best faders money can buy. In this little post I’ll share some of the highs and lows of the journey.

The Faders

The whole point was to make a unit with the absolute best faders obtainable. Many suggested P&G faders – and I looked into getting them for the unit.

Turns out they were not interested in selling me any faders - perhaps because I’m a “little guy” or perhaps something else - but after several attempts to get parts info and pricing, they stopped responding.

It seems they have moved manufacturing of their faders to India last I checked, and I have a feeling these are not the droids we are looking for.

After a lot more research, I discovered the TKD faders – used in high end $100,000 consoles.

Here’s a little video about the faders:

I will continue the story in another blog post.

Stay tuned!



The Fader Presidential Story, Part 2


No, it’s not “Hey Dude"!’