The Scene Editor App
About the Scene Editor
The Scene Editor is an app available for Mac, PC, and Linuxmint.
You can program all major aspects of scenes with it, including:
Scene Name
CC numbers
CC names
CC colors
Color theme
Note: Unit-specific configurations, such as editing colors or changing screen savers is not yet supported.
Watch the Overview Video
How to Get It
Start by upgrading your FaderOS firmware to at least version 6.x, and then download the app itself.
Note - if you are already on FaderOS 6.x, you do not need to update your firmware for the app to work.
Use the buttons below:
Change Log
V1.1.03 (Mac Versions)
After upgrading to macOS Sequoia, initial load times of the app increased from 10 seconds to 90 seconds.
Suspect BlueTooth to be the real issue, and not necessarily the OS update.
Have updated app to mitigate the issue.
App opens quickly now on our test machine with Sequoia installed.
V 1.1.01 - Mac/PC/Linux Versions
Initial public version.
All features as stated above