The Fader Presidential Story, Part 3

It was 2am on a cold and windy Tuesday night. I was up yet again, struggling to get the light sensor to work properly. What the AF! So many software problems!

I was in despair of ever getting it right.

So I have this little thing I do, when I feel overwhelmed about something that I think I can’t do, or I can’t figure it out.

I just tell myself, “You can do it!”

I know it sounds corny af, but seriously, it works! I read one time that when you talk to yourself, don’t forget - YOU are listening! So be kind!

I’ve always struggled with that. Being kind to myself. People constantly told me “you need to love yourself more” - which is about the absolute most unhelpful thing anyone can say to another human being. (Because we’re all doing the best we can!).

It really hit home for me though, when I saw a cheesy meme on Facebook one time. It showed a picture of the Dali Lama, and the caption read:

“Your circle of compassion is incomplete unless it includes yourself.”

Wham! That one took me out, and it made it so much easier to be kind to myself.

What does that have to do with the Fader Presidential?

Only everything.

You see, to bring a unit of this quality into the world is a mammoth undertaking - and there were so many times when I threw up my hands and thought it was too hard, or I couldn’t figure something out - like on that cold Tuesday night at 2am I was telling you about.

So this turned into a philosophical post, and we will get back on track discussing the actual Fader Presidential in another post, but for now, all I want to say is, when you are faced with something that seems too hard to accomplish - or even impossible - just tell yourself (even if you don’t believe it at first):

“You can do this!”

See you again,



The Fader Presidential Story, Part 2